Superpower of Space
Experiment 5: Space Suit
Why do space suits need so many layers?
Experiment 5 of the space superpower series - let's test a super space suit! Astronaut space suits have to go through rigorous testing to make sure they are up for the job. This experiment will see us building a whole testing machine to see how many layers our suit will need to be to resist projectiles. Don't forget to download the full instructional worksheet and parent cheat sheet.
Explore the Space Superpower Theme

Superpower of Space Trailer
Join Nanogirl as she investigates everything she'll need to survive her first superhero space mission!
Watch Trailer

Experiment 1 - Star Projector
Nanogirl's on a Super Space Mission, and she needs a map so she doesn't get lost.
Watch Episode One

Experiment 2 - Comet Catcher
If you want to study comets and asteroids in space, you've got to catch them first!
Watch Episode Two

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