Superpower of Sight
Experiment 2: Refraction

Use the bendy powers of water to make things look huge!

Experiment 2 of the sight superpower series - let's play with light using refraction. Learn how to make your own magnifying glass using a drop of water and how to trick your friends by making a picture turn around! Don't forget to download the full instructional worksheet and parent cheat sheet!

Download Student Worksheet
Download Parent Notes

Explore the Sight Superpower Theme

Superpower of Sight - Trailer

Nanogirl wants the superpower of Super Sight!

Watch Trailer

Experiment 1 - Rainbow Glasses

Make your own Rainbow Glasses with Nanogirl!

Watch Episode One

Experiment 3 - Thaumatrope

Make sure those bad guys stay in jail!

Watch Episode Three

Episode 4 - Pinhole Camera

Nanogirl can see upside-down!

Watch Episode Four

Experiment 5 - Depth Perception

Why do we have two eyes?

Watch Episode Five