Superpower of Throwing
Experiment 5: Superhero Throwing Machine
Build your own super catapult!
Experiment 5 of the Super Throwing superpower series - let's make a superhero throwing machine! Learn how to turn potential energy into kinetic energy by building an elastic band powered super throwing machine! Don't forget to download the full instructional worksheet and parent cheat sheet.
Explore the Throwing Superpower Theme

Experiment 1 - Elbows
Nanogirl wants the superpower to throw really, really far, and that can only mean one thing!
Watch Episode One

Experiment 2 - Super Throwing Arm
Supercharge your arms to throw farther than ever, using the power of science!
Watch Episode Two

Experiment 3 - Accuracy
Nanogirl needs to work on her throwing accuracy to avoid any more... *cough* accidents.
Watch Episode Three

Experiment 4 - Super Seesaw
What's the name for a throwing machine? It's on the top of Nanogirl's tongue...
Watch Episode Four
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